So I am beginning to learn that this is an ongoing pattern. First it was Myspace, then Facebook, etc., and now my blog can be looked at and be used against me. Where is all the privacy? I am now learning that the Blog I am using for my class can be used against me in the future by employers, while I am only expressing my thoughts and opinions freely. I understand that I may say things others won't agree with but this is my blog and I should be allowed to speak my mind.
Employers can now even further invade your private life. After reading Joshua Porters post on "The Blog is the New Resume," many things came to mind. A blog can benefit an individual if the potential employer likes what the blogger is talking about; however if your the guy who brings up many controversial issues and say things other wont agree with, your less likely to be hired. Below are the main points he brought up from the original post by Bokardoan Adam Darowski.
1. Your blog represents you.
2. Your blog is serious business.
3. You blog is an archive.
4. Your blog isn’t the only mirror of your life.
5. Your blog is your unedited version of yourself.
Below is a video with instructions on how to adjust your blogger privacy settings. It features Eric Case and he gives you a video tutorial on how to do so. This video is short and easy to follow. Enjoy!